Help These Marvelous Kids Through Us

About us


“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something”
– Mother Teresa

Being generous with the things you possess in life is a sign of a grateful and giving heart. In honor, appreciation and the footsteps of those in the past whose sacrifice, love and dedication have made a difference in the life of every child passing through this school, we as a group of ALUMNI and FRIENDS of this school, are raising our helping hands together to give back to this community.

We hope to not only donate education materials, but to continue to support the implementation of every program through continue funding and maintenance of the items donated. It is our hope that, by this continue presence, the support to betterment the lives of the students of this school will yield better outcome for all.


Give your support to these children

"At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished…  it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”  ― Denzel Washington

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To make CASH donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

Option 1:  By Zelle® - Zelle® is a great way to send money from your bank if you live outside Nigeria. tel: +1 832-858-9619  (Kayode Ogundiya)

Option 2: Through your bank app in Nigeria (₦) or Any app that remits in ₦

  • Bank: UBA
  • Act Nr: 2232494149
  • Name: Kayode M. Ogundiya

Alumni and Friends of St Paul's Primary School
St. Pauls' Anglican Primary School
Odo-Ona, Apata, Ibadan
Oyo State, Nigeria


Donation Total: ₦ 10,000


"Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit"

 ― Indian Proverb

To support the school in building a better learning environment where opportunities, possibilities, and hope for a better future for every child is possible, regardless of his/her socio-economic background.

The greatest job of any government is education of her people. We commend and appreciate the efforts of the government at every level in achieving this great endeavor. The Alumni and Friends of St Paul’s Primary School Foundation, a private organization, hope to make a difference and involve ourselves proactively in the upliftment of the glory of this great school.

Education is the greatest weapon against poverty

We build a
better learning environment

We hope for
a better future
for every child

We see potential and possibilities in every child

Every child can be great, if given the opportunity

The programs we are passionate about


“There are two types of people; the can do and the can’t.
Which are you?”
– George R. Cabrera

Education isn’t just about learning reading, writing and arithmetic at school. Instead, formal education is about gaining the knowledge and the skills needed to become a better person and create a better society to live in.


Education Reduces Poverty. “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” - Confucius
23 percent higher per capita in countries with education for all - UNESCO


With funds accessible, what was once out of reach for kids from poor background—say becoming a doctor or a lawyer—are now possibilities
Girls’ education has proven to significantly impact a woman’s future.

Health & Wellness

Well-being isn’t just for grown-ups! Physical, mental, emotional, and social health are all equally important and contribute to a child overall wellbeing.
A child’s health is the foundation of all growth and development.

Arts & Sports

The simplest building block for kids. The arts teach creative and innovative thinking while, sport is not only good physically, but also socially.
All these activities Improve Overall Attitude

Discover our activities

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead


“The next time you want to withhold your help, or your love, or your support for another for whatever the reason, ask yourself a simple question: do the reasons you want to withhold it reflect more on them or on you? And which reasons do you want defining you forevermore? “

– Dan Pearce

Now, It's Your Turn to Get Involved

Everyone involved in the these Projects is a volunteer and none of our members receive any remuneration for the time contributed to the cause, other than the satisfaction of seeing the joy of a child receiving education.

We are just ordinary people working for an extraordinary cause. Come join us!

Connect with us to BRING THE CHANGE

Want To Get In Touch?

“If the foundations are destroyed – what can the righteous do?” – (Psalm 11:3). We don’t fold our arms and complain. Rather, we REBUILD. And ask God to pour out His glory through our lives.

Visit Us:

St Pauls' Anglican Primary School, Odo-Ona, Apata, Ibadan

We all reminiscence of the good old days when we see the structures in our public schools fall, our youths unmotivated, children feeling no hope for future, or an institution that produced the best in us that we love falter.

We either must work to restore the foundations in the same places or build again in another way or another place.

So, please join us all the good people who are ready to give back, serve the community, and doing good. As H. Jackson Brown Jr. expressed it “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” Moreover, “In a society that functions optimally, those who can should naturally want to provide for those who can’t. That’s how it’s designed to work. I truly believe we’re here to take care of one another.” — LeVar Burton